Tag: Home To-Do (Page 3 of 3)

July Home Maintenance

Summertime and the living is easy. We can help you keep it that way! Complete these few monthly to-do’s and your toes will be back in the sand in no time!

  • Test all of your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Check for peeling or cracked paint on your exterior walls. South and west facing walls deteriorate the fastest.
  • Repair any cracks or missing mortar in your brick or masonry siding. You can use fresh mortar or concrete caulk.
  • Check your roof, inside and out, for cracks, loose or missing shingles, or signs of leaks. Pay close attention to valleys around chimneys, and around vent stacks.
  • Trim shrubs and branches so that they are not coming in contact with your siding.
  • Repair your driveway where necessary. Cracks in concrete can be sealed with an epoxy patching material, asphalt can be repaired with an asphalt material, and driveways should be sealed every other year.
  • Clean your refrigerator inside and out, removing all food, shelves, trays, and old ice from the ice maker. Replace the baking soda.

Printable version: July Home Maintenance

Dealing with Ice Dams

It’s still winter and we have the snowy forecasts to prove it. Snow and fluctuating temperatures create the recipe for ice dam formation. What exactly is it that causes them? Well, if there is snow on your roof and you have a “heat leak” (a spot where there’s not enough insulation and the heat from the house is escaping), the heat will actually start to melt the snow around it. The water will run down the roof, but with the low temperatures it will then refreeze forming an ice dam. The more snow that melts, the more water that runs, the bigger the dam gets. Once the temperatures rise and all of the snow starts to melt, water will back up behind the dam and can leak into your home underneath your roof shingles. We still have plenty of winter left to add to this potential recipe for disaster, but you can avoid the costly damage that can become of this mix by monitoring two simple things. Ice dam formation and clear drainage paths.

Snow on Roof

You’ve probably heard about ice dams in the news, especially in winter of 2015, but like many other common property dangers you may not be aware of the actual danger they may pose to your home. Reconsider the “it won’t happen to me” idea and do the following to protect your investment.

  • Make sure your gutters and downspouts are clear of ice and debris. Regardless of the formation of ice dams or not, the snow is eventually going to melt and the water will have to be directed away from the house. If you’re already following our monthly maintenance to do lists, you’ve already made sure that the spouts are directing water at least 3′ away from your foundation.
  • Clear your roof of the snow and ice. You probably don’t even know that you have a heat leak in your roof until you see the ice dam form. You’ll have to address the insulation later, but first things first, remove the dam that has already formed. Although the safest option is to hire a snow removal professional, you can (carefully) remove it yourself by using a roof rake, not a shovel, to push the snow off without damaging your shingles. Don’t stand underneath where any icicles or dams may fall, avoid contact with your electrical wires, and make sure someone else is around just in case you need some help.
  • Melt a channel to direct the water. Another option for existing dams is to create drainage paths in the ice for when they start to melt. Fill a large sock with a melting agent such as calcium chloride and place it directly on the dam perpendicular to your gutter. The purpose of the sock is to control the release of the melting agent, and by laying the sock perpendicular to the gutter you’ll create a channel in the ice for the water to eventually drain through. If the dam runs the length of your roof, you’ll want to put several socks up there.

What if the ice dam and snow build up has already started a leak inside the house?

  • Mop up the standing water.
  • Put a bucket under the drip to collect any additional water.
  • Move your stuff away from the area to prevent it from also getting wet.
  • Call a professional to deal with the snow and ice dam.
  • Call a water mitigation professional to deal with the interior damage and drying. Even a small leak can make it’s way through several layers of your home, and everything will need to be completely dried to avoid mold growth.
  • Call your insurance agent or your insurance company to see if the damage will be covered under your policy. Find out what you’ll owe out of pocket for your deductible.

So, if you notice an ice dam forming on your roof, remove the snow and ice as soon as safely possible. If you can’t rake the dam off, create a channel for the water run trough it with a controlled melting agent. Take a picture and note where the dam formed, then address the insulation in that area to make sure it doesn’t form again.

Questions or concerns about any of these details and tips? Send us an e-mail! We’d love to hear from you!

March Home Maintenance

It’s officially March! Here on Cape Cod, we know that means we’re in for some yo-yo weather patterns and little hints of spring. Start your monthly maintenance to-do’s early and enjoy what the rest of the month has to bring!

Snow & Ice on Roof
  • Daylight savings begins this month. Replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors when you change your clocks.
  • Clean out your medicine cabinet. Safely dispose of dated prescriptions and over the counter medicines (please not in the toilet!). You might find a local collection drive by calling your police department.
  • Examine your washer machine hose washers. Shut off their water source, remove the supply hose, and replace any worn or damaged washers. Replace the hoses every 5 years.
  • Clean out the garage. Gather all hazardous materials to be tossed (paint thinners, cleaners, pesticides, etc.) and contact your city’s Department of Public Works to find out when the next collection date is.
  • Clean your refrigerator inside and out, removing all food, shelves, trays, and old ice from the ice maker. Replace the baking soda.
  • If you have one, test your sump pump by pouring water into it and making sure it pumps out.
  • Garbage disposal cleaner: Grind two trays of ice cubes made of 1 cup of vinegar and 1 gallon of water.
  • Planning on planting a garden this year? Start drafting up a diagram of the space you have. Research how much space each plant is going to need, and the best season to start them. You may even be able to start some of your seedlings indoors.

March Home Maintenance Checklist Printable Version

February Home Maintenance

Love is in the air… everywhere I look around ? Show your home and family that you really care by taking care of them! Where to start? How about our monthly checklists? Roses and candy are always nice, but imagine doing all of the chores and tackling all of the February home maintenance projects. Now THAT is labor of love. You’re welcome ;-).

  • Test all of your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Test all of your ground-fault circuit interrupter outlets by pushing the “test” button. The “reset” button should pop out indicating that it is working properly. Then press the “reset” button so it’ll be set to work when you need it to.
  • Check inside of bathroom vanities and kitchen sink cabinets for signs of moisture or leaks. Carefully inspect for condensation or slow drips.
  • Check your grout and caulking around your showers, tubs and sinks. Replace missing grout after chipping out the cracked areas. If caulk remains discolored after cleaning remove and replace it with caulk that is mildew-resistant.
  • Inspect for loose knobs and hinges on cabinets, vanities and furniture. Tighten or repair where necessary and lubricate squeaky hinges.
  • To eliminate any musty closet odors remove all of the contents and wash the walls with a diluted solution of chlorine bleach. Replace solid doors with louvered doors. If the smell is the result of too much moisture in the area you’ll need to locate the source and fix it or the problem will return. You may need to simply start running a dehumidifier in that area
  • Use a vacuum with a narrow nozzle to clean the condenser coils on the back or underneath your refrigerator.

Find your February Home Maintenance printable version here

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