School is in session! You may not have classes to attend but we do have some easy projects for you. Tackle these maintenance items now and enjoy recess for the rest of the month!

- Test all of your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
- Have your heating system serviced and stock up on filters for heating season so that you have enough to change them every 4-6 weeks.
- Visually inspect your exterior foundation, roof and siding for cracks, gaps and missing/loose shingles. Calk and seal as necessary.
- Be on the lookout for season-end close-out sales on lawn and garden equipment.
- Do any interior painting, carpet cleaning or carpet replacement while it is still warm enough to have the windows open.
- Remove all paints, caulks and liquid materials from your garage or shed.
- Check that the soil around your foundation slopes 4-6 inches for a distance of 3 feet from the foundation walls. If it doesn’t regrade the lawn.
- Check your sump pump. Remove any debris and dirt from your sump pit, make sure the discharge line is free of obstructions and test the pump by pouring water into it. If it doesn’t pump out call a plumber for service.
Printable version: September Home Maintenance Checklist