‘Tis the season of giving and goodwill. ? How will you show your holiday spirit?We’ve got some great ideas for you!

- Volunteer for the Salvation Army. Reach out to your local office to find out all of the opportunities in your area such as toy sorting, assisting truck deliveries and food basket deliveries.
- Reach out to your local hospital and see how you can volunteer or visit the patients.
- Share some love with furry friends and the MSPCA. Spend some time giving attention and love to local shelter animals. Donating old blankets, pillows and animal toys would be great!
- Volunteer at your local homeless shelter preparing and serving meals to the homeless.
- Bring some cheer to senior citizens so no one has to spend the season alone or without a home cooked meal.
- Make a difference in the life of a child with a life-threatening medical condition with the Make-A-Wish foundation.
- There’s always the timeless tradition of caroling. Check with your local community centers and neighborhood groups or rally a crew of your own. You could even merge this with the senior and hospital suggestions above! Make it even more fun by dressing up as holiday characters!
- Reach out to your local food pantry and see if you can help deliver holiday meals.
- Check out Volunteer Match.
- Pay for someone’s layaway anonymously.
- Buy the coffee order for the person behind you.
- Pay for someone’s dinner tab.
- Bring a panhandler a brown bag lunch.
- Enjoy a street musician’s talent and pay them for the show.
- Make a tax-deductible donation in a friend’s name
“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” – Calvin Coolidge