Boo! Did I scare you? No? Well, these maintenance items aren’t so scary either. We’ll stick to providing good home maintenance advice and leave the scaring to the trick-or-treaters, haunted houses and horror films. Happy pumpkin spice EVERYTHING season!

- Test all of your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
- If you haven’t already done it from our June list, have your chimneys and wood stoves swept and inspected by a professional.
- Add extra insulation to any exposed pipes in unfinished rooms that may drop below 65°F.
- Vacuum and clean dust from vents, baseboard heaters and cold-air returns.
- Clean your windows and if they aren’t double pane replace screens with storm windows.
- Once the leaves have fallen clear your gutters and downspouts. Consider replacing old gutters with new ones that include built-in leaf guards.
- Clear your lawn of all debris from trees and shrubs. If the health of a tree looks questionable contact a tree professional and consider having it removed.
- Check your windows and doors for air leaks and apply weather stripping and caulk where needed. Incense is a great tool for identifying the source of drafts. Don’t forget the basement!
Printable version: October Home Maintenance Checklist