Tag: clean home (Page 2 of 3)

December Home Maintenance

Decorations, strolls, carols, parties, football and the start of winter weather – December sure has a lot going on! We’ve simplified this month’s maintenance to-do list so that you can focus on the beauty of this special time of year. From our big Whalen Restoration Services family to yours, Happy Holidays!

  1. Test all of your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
  2. Unpack and test all electrical holiday decorations. Repair or discard any that do not function properly.
  3. Review the family fire escape and emergency plans with every household member.
  4. Check your fire extinguisher’s expiration date and the gauge to ensure that it is fully charged.
  5. Check that there is still insulation around all exterior pipes and make sure that water cannot seep under the insulation.
  6. Detail clean your dishwasher, trash compactor and countertop appliances.
  7. Clean your range hood and either clean or replace the filter.

Printable version: December Home Maintenance Checklist

November Home Maintenance

We can smell the Turkey already! Within the hustle and bustle of planning your Thanksgiving holiday celebrations and Black Friday shopping lists, work in these maintenance items to stay on top of your game.

Cooking Image
  • Daylight savings ends this month. Replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors when you change your clocks.
  • Shut off outdoor water spouts and empty hoses for storage.
  • Make sure everyone in the household knows where the main water shut-off is and how to use it.
  • Drain or stabilize the fuel from your gas powered lawn equipment that you won’t be using for the winter season and test your winter equipment.
  • Inspect your automatic garage door opener and lubricate it according to the manufacturer’s directions.
  • Reprogram your thermostats for the winter season and reverse the direction of your ceiling fans.
  • Clean your refrigerator inside and out removing all food, shelves, trays and old ice from the ice maker. Replace the baking soda.
  • Restock and update your severe weather emergency kit. Check expiration dates on first aid and supplies.
  • Back-up your computer files either on the cloud or on an external hard drive that you keep in a weather tight place.

Printable Version: November Home Maintenance Checklist

October Home Maintenanace

Boo! Did I scare you? No? Well, these maintenance items aren’t so scary either. We’ll stick to providing good home maintenance advice and leave the scaring to the trick-or-treaters, haunted houses and horror films. Happy pumpkin spice EVERYTHING season!

  • Test all of your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • If you haven’t already done it from our June list, have your chimneys and wood stoves swept and inspected by a professional.
  • Add extra insulation to any exposed pipes in unfinished rooms that may drop below 65°F.
  • Vacuum and clean dust from vents, baseboard heaters and cold-air returns.
  • Clean your windows and if they aren’t double pane replace screens with storm windows.
  • Once the leaves have fallen clear your gutters and downspouts. Consider replacing old gutters with new ones that include built-in leaf guards.
  • Clear your lawn of all debris from trees and shrubs. If the health of a tree looks questionable contact a tree professional and consider having it removed.
  • Check your windows and doors for air leaks and apply weather stripping and caulk where needed. Incense is a great tool for identifying the source of drafts. Don’t forget the basement!

Printable version: October Home Maintenance Checklist

September Home Maintenance

School is in session! You may not have classes to attend but we do have some easy projects for you. Tackle these maintenance items now and enjoy recess for the rest of the month!

School Supplies
  • Test all of your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Have your heating system serviced and stock up on filters for heating season so that you have enough to change them every 4-6 weeks.
  • Visually inspect your exterior foundation, roof and siding for cracks, gaps and missing/loose shingles. Calk and seal as necessary.
  • Be on the lookout for season-end close-out sales on lawn and garden equipment.
  • Do any interior painting, carpet cleaning or carpet replacement while it is still warm enough to have the windows open.
  • Remove all paints, caulks and liquid materials from your garage or shed.
  • Check that the soil around your foundation slopes 4-6 inches for a distance of 3 feet from the foundation walls. If it doesn’t regrade the lawn.
  • Check your sump pump. Remove any debris and dirt from your sump pit, make sure the discharge line is free of obstructions and test the pump by pouring water into it. If it doesn’t pump out call a plumber for service.

Printable version: September Home Maintenance Checklist

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