Tag: Summer safety

August Home Maintenance

Ahhhh August! Summer heat – sunshine – beach time… Sneak these few home maintenance items into these beautiful long days and cozy, warm nights.

Deck Picture
  • Test all of your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Inspect your foundation for signs of termites. Look for tunnels and dirt bridges. If you suspect them, call an exterminator right away.
  • Use a vacuum with a narrow nozzle to clean the condenser coils on the back or underneath your refrigerator.
  • Make any necessary faucet repairs. Check for any worn washers and signs of leaking both on top of and underneath the faucet.
  • Clean your range hood and either clean or replace the filter.
  • Replace your air conditioner filter.
  • Hoping to do any interior remodeling projects this fall? Start the planning and estimate collection now so that they can be done early in the season.

Printable version: August Home Maintenance Checklist

Campfires, Bonfires and Fire Pits – Oh My!

Safely Enjoying Campfires & Bonfires


As the weather warms up, backyards and camp sites come alive! Priceless memories can built around campfires and who doesn’t have some favorite variation of s‘more! Whether you’re planning to add a fire pit, or even if you already have one, it’s especially important to make sure you’re safely using it. Follow these safety tips and enjoy the great outdoors!


  • Shovel
  • Rake
  • Bucket of water
  • Kindling, tinder, and logs
  • Stones to ring the fire pit

Choosing and preparing the space:

  • Call your local fire department to make sure that fires are allowed where you plan to have one. They’ll probably have some specific guidelines of their own to add.
  • Choose level ground.
  • Choose a spot at that is at least 10-20 feet from any of structures (houses, sheds, fences, decks). Some fire departments require that it be at least 30’ from habitable structures. The further, the better!
  • Makes sure the area is clear of debris, dead or dry brush, rotten stumps, leaves, pine needles, and tall grass.
  • Depress the center of the area where the fire will be built and surround it with a ring of rocks.


  • Only use untreated, dry paper and wood-based materials.
  • Chop wood in short lengths.
  • Always keep a shovel and bucket of water handy.
  • Wear fitted clothing opposed to loose, flowy pieces.
  • Never leave the fire unattended. An adult should be present at all times.


  • Drown the fire with water
  • Stir the doused fire with your shovel to make sure everything gets nice and wet. Coals and wood should be wet on all sides. Add some more water and stir again.
  • Use the back of your hand to feel all around the area and make sure all embers are fully extinguished.
  • Smother it by shoveling some dirt onto it and mixing it up.

Share your set-up with us on Facebook!

Summer Checklist for your Home

Summer To-Do List

Keep your home safe, happy, and healthy by at least checking off our list of seasonal to-dos.

Photo Courtesy of: tjg551 on freeimages.com
Photo Courtesy of: tjg551 on freeimages.com


  • Seal your deck. You will need 3 consecutive warm, sunny days. One to dry it out, one to clean and scrub it (with 24 hours of drying time), and one to apply the sealer.
  • Hire a certified chimney sweep. Cleaning and inspecting the chimney now, instead of in the cooler fall months, allows for ample time to complete any necessary repairs. It will also be easier to schedule with them since many people wait until just before the heating season.
  • Clean your home’s exterior with a mild detergent and a water hose. Pressure washers are great tools but when it comes to siding, they are so powerful they can force water underneath, encouraging the growth of mold and mildew.
  • Clean your dryer vent system. This is a key task for fire safety. Lint is extremely flammable. You’ll want to open up the back of the dryer and clean in there too. If you’re looking for a professional to do it, try asking local duct cleaners.
  • Paint your patio and deck furniture to enjoy all summer season long.


  • Check for peeling or cracked paint on exterior walls. South and west-facing walls deteriorate faster and require more frequent repainting than north and east-facing ones.
  • Repair any cracks or missing mortar in your brick or masonry siding. You can use fresh mortar or concrete caulk.
  • Check your roof, inside and out, for cracks, loose or missing shingles, or signs of leaks. Pay close attention to valleys, around chimneys, and around vent stacks.
  • Make sure your motion-detector lighting systems and automatic timers are all properly set and working. You’ll especially want the automatic timers working if you plan to go away on vacation.
  • Trim shrubs and branches so that they are not coming in contact with your siding
  • Repair your driveway where necessary. Cracks in concrete can be sealed with an epoxy patching material, asphalt can be repaired with an asphalt material, and driveways should be sealed every other year.


  • Inspect your foundation for signs of termites. Look for tunnels and dirt bridges. If you suspect them, call an exterminator right away.
  • Clean the condenser coils on the back or underneath your refrigerator. You can simply use a vacuum with a narrow nozzle.
  • Make any necessary faucet repairs. Check for any worn washers and signs of leaking both on top and underneath.
  • Clean your range hood and either clean or replace the filter.
  • If you’re planning for any interior remodeling projects this fall, start the planning and estimate collection now so they can be done early in the season.
  • Do you have that hammering noise in your pipes? Drain the plumbing system. Open the uppermost faucet (or the furthest from the water meter) and the lowest most faucet (or closest to the meter). Drain the system allowing water to flow into a lower level sink or floor drain. This restores air to the chambers. Close the faucets in the order that you opened them.

…Of course there’s always more fun DIY’s and home maintenance to be done, but this will get you a fantastic start to a great summer season.

Participating in National Home Safety Month

June is recognized as the month for National Home Safety. Participate with us by committing to being prepared, informed, and living well.

Grill Safety TIps

A popular part of living well in June is enjoying the great weather! Breaking out the grill is one of my favorite ways to celebrate the coming of summer. Remember before kicking off a great barbecue:

  • Propane and charcoal grills are for outdoor use only!
  • Avoid grilling close to your house, railings, or overhanging branches. Smoke damage can be quite an extensive project to tackle. Read more about smoke damage clean up.
  • Maintain a clean grill by proper heating, scrubbing, and cleaning the grease tray often.
  • Make sure to never leave the grill unattended while in use, and don’t forget to shut the propane off when you’re done.
  • To check for leaks in the tank hose, use a light soap and water mix. If you see bubbles after applying the solution to the hose, don’t light that grill! Have it serviced first.
  • Always let coals cool completely before disposing of them in a metal container.
  • Of course, accidents do happen, so have a plan in place for prompt response if you have an emergency. If you are local on Cape Cod, read about Whalen Restoration’s emergency response services.

This June, work on preventing household injuries by addressing factors in and around your home.

  • As included in most of our safety tips, have an emergency safety plan. Keep it simple so that all ages of your home will know what to do, but include enough to cover most of the common disasters your area may encounter in a year.
  • Keep an emergency kit handy in the event of a natural disaster and/or loss of power. Make sure you have the essentials to last a few days including water, first aid, flashlights with extra batteries, and nonperishable food. More in depth details of what you should have and how to assemble a kit can be found at http://www.ready.gov/build-a-kit
  • Replace the batteries in your smoke alarms yearly, and test them often. Make sure there is one on every floor of your home and near fire hazards.
  • Be sure to have emergency telephone numbers handy for accidents. Poison control and other emergency contact numbers are great to have posted on the refrigerator for quick access.
  • Make sure any toxic products and medications are stored in childproof areas.

With those safety and prevention tips in mind, another very large part of home safety is making time to care for you. Nothing should interfere with having a balanced diet and good exercise habits. That doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in strawberry short cake at the cookout or take a day’s rest from the gym, but it does mean that you should be regularly eating clean, getting sufficient exercise, and regular sleep. Luckily, the urgency to adapt these great habits is becoming one of today’s most popular topics, creating an amazing variety of options to suit everyone’s needs. By caring for yourself you’ll be preventing household injury by keeping a clear mind and stronger body.

Pledge to honor this National Home Safety month and reap the benefits all year long. I wish you all a safe, happy, and healthy Summer.