We can smell the Turkey already! Within the hustle and bustle of planning your Thanksgiving holiday celebrations and Black Friday shopping lists, work in these maintenance items to stay on top of your game.

- Daylight savings ends this month. Replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors when you change your clocks.
- Shut off outdoor water spouts and empty hoses for storage.
- Make sure everyone in the household knows where the main water shut-off is and how to use it.
- Drain or stabilize the fuel from your gas powered lawn equipment that you won’t be using for the winter season and test your winter equipment.
- Inspect your automatic garage door opener and lubricate it according to the manufacturer’s directions.
- Reprogram your thermostats for the winter season and reverse the direction of your ceiling fans.
- Clean your refrigerator inside and out removing all food, shelves, trays and old ice from the ice maker. Replace the baking soda.
- Restock and update your severe weather emergency kit. Check expiration dates on first aid and supplies.
- Back-up your computer files either on the cloud or on an external hard drive that you keep in a weather tight place.
Printable Version: November Home Maintenance Checklist